Season 1: MVP myth busters

Episode 03

21 March 2023 4 min

Finding quality talent to build your MVP is a team effort [Bonus episode]

You might need someone new under your wing. But other leaders and heads can help you choose a candidate that will be a match for the entire organization.

Here are the guest who are familiar with the process:

• Sascha Stojakovic (CTO at Cobrainer)

• Andreas Reichert (co-CEO of Mobiko)

• Remco Magielse (Head of Product at

This is a bonus episode that goes a bit deeper into building an MVP team. 

Listen to this audio story and find out!

This episode, our guests include senior technology Managers from companies that formed highly efficient teams responsible for popular MVPs — some used by brands like Microsoft, Coca-Cola, or SAP.

Works Fine For Me was created by The Software House, a software company that has helped over 160+ businesses build effective digital products and master their development operations. Visit and see how we can help.

This podcast was produced by Cleverhearted Showrunners (

  • MVP team
  • Recruitment

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