7 September 2020
Season 1: MVP myth busters
Episode 06
Listen to this audio story and find out!
Our guests include experienced technology managers from companies that had their fair share of failures but ultimately succeeded and launched products used by brands like BMW, Kappa, or Coca-Cola.
Works Fine For Me was created by The Software House, a software company that has helped over 160+ businesses build effective digital products and master their development operations. Visit tsh.io and see how we can help.
This podcast was produced by Cleverhearted Showrunners (cleverhearted.com).
Chris Kobylecki
COO at Innovation Nest
Meet the man who’ll speak your language. Chris is a business enabler from an investment company with a $40M portfolio. He’s curious about how startups and their teams mature, analyzing nearly 200 companies per year and coaching many C-levels on strategy. In some multiverse, Chris is a competitive beard grower and a pro cook.
Marek Gajda
CTO at The Software House
He leads dozens of product development teams and trains technology managers on how to scale up their IT departments effectively. Real-life proof that IT is anything but boring. If there’s a subject everybody avoids, Marek wants to talk about it. If there’s chaos, there comes Marek with his lively problem-solving skills.
Michał Czapracki
Founder & CEO at Scramjet
Michał Czapracki is the CEO and founder of Scramjet – a deep tech startup that offers a real-time data integration platform that breaks barriers between the local, the edge and the cloud.
Anna Skawińska
Node.js Team Manager at The Software House
Leverages her experience as backend developer and agile team member to support her team and customers. Focused on effective communication.
Adam Polak
VP of Technology & Head of Node.js Team at The Software House
VP of Technology at The Software House. An enthusiast of the latest technological solutions who will always find time for you. Recently, a certified AWS architect, co-founder of the Uszanowanko Programowanko meetup and the Linkletter newsletter. After hours, passionate about East Asia, as well as Japanese culture and food from there.
Andre Neubauer
CTO at Trusted Shops
André is shaping tech environments for more than 15 years, bringing technology and business together. During that time, he worked for startup’s, scaleup’s, up to big corporations. He has profound experience in software engineering and even more experience on the leadership side. He is an advocate of modern leadership and progressive organizational design. In this role, he’s transforming organizations into sustainable technology powerhouses. In recent years he was primarily working as a Chief Technology Officer.
Robert Desmond
CTO at Leadsie
Robert is CTO of Leadsie, a bootstrapped SaaS helping marketing agencies onboard new clients. Robert has mentored over 200 startups on accelerator programs for Techstars and 500 Global. Robert is passionate about #talkingToYourCustomers so you build the right thing, and don’t just build it right!
Remco Magielse
Head of Product at CM.com
Bridging the gap between interactive technology and people. Product development and management skills, able to scope fuzzy projects to concrete implementations and deliver those. Love to work on front end innovation.
Andreas Reichert
Managing Director at MOBIKO
Andreas likes to predict markets, is passionate for mobility tech & SaaS Business models. He has worked as an innovation consultant and Venture director for almost a decade in the past and is now responsible as Managing Director for Strategy, Vision & Finance at MOBIKO.
Martin Woywod
Software Strategist at Reservix
Martin is a Software strategist at Reservix – a leading online ticket provider in Germany that sells an average of 20M tickets per year.
Daniel Killenberger
CTO at Obligate
Building the future way of raising debt using on-chain bonds for regulated DeFi with obligate.com. Obsessed with building system solutions and learning from failures, quickly.
7 September 2020