Season 1: MVP myth busters

Episode 03

4 April 202338 min

The ultimate battle between sonic speed and Swiss precision

• Which skills does your talent need to streamline product development?

• How important is testing early with your target audience?

• How does a product leader ensure quality and deliver on time?

Listen to this audio story and find out!

This episode, our guests include senior technology managers from companies that deliver quality software in the shortest time possible. BMW, Kappa, or Coca-Cola use some of their products.

Interesting episode? Read this guide recommended by The Software House’s Head of QA:

> Quality Assurance strategy: questions and answers from the webinar

Works Fine For Me was created by The Software House, a software company that has helped over 160+ businesses build effective digital products and master their development operations. Visit and see how we can help.

This podcast was produced by Cleverhearted Showrunners (

This episode features

Podcast Author

Chris Kobylecki

COO at Innovation Nest

Meet the man who’ll speak your language. Chris is a business enabler from an investment company with a $40M portfolio. He’s curious about how startups and their teams mature, analyzing nearly 200 companies per year and coaching many C-levels on strategy. In some multiverse, Chris is a competitive beard grower and a pro cook.

Anders Kravis

Anders Kravis

VP of Product at Finimize

Anders is a product designer turned strategist from Toronto. With a decade in the industry, he’s experienced the ups and downs of both startups and scale-ups, and leads Product at Finimize to empower people to be their own financial advisors. He cares deeply about crafting products that aren’t just functional but that brighten people’s lives.

Andreas Reichert

Andreas Reichert

Managing Director at MOBIKO

Andreas likes to predict markets, is passionate for mobility tech & SaaS Business models. He has worked as an innovation consultant and Venture director for almost a decade in the past and is now responsible as Managing Director for Strategy, Vision & Finance at MOBIKO.

Remco Magielse

Remco Magielse

Head of Product at

Bridging the gap between interactive technology and people. Product development and management skills, able to scope fuzzy projects to concrete implementations and deliver those. Love to work on front end innovation.

Marcel Cremer

Marcel Cremer


Marcel is a Full Stack Software Developer, CTO, and Managing Director of the German B2B SaaS Software company “MOBIKO”. He’s a lean development advocate and loves to use automation and DevOps to speed up the process of providing value to his customers.

Joel Albert

Joel Albert

CTO at MCD Partners

Technology principal with the ability to guide teams from inception to launch. A team leader with a career spanning core development, system architect, project / product manager, and stake holder service. Extensive experience in almost every industry including consulting, agency, startup, corporate, B2C, and B2B.


Martin Woywod

Software Strategist at Reservix

Martin is a Software strategist at Reservix – a leading online ticket provider in Germany that sells an average of 20M tickets per year.

Episode resources