CTO Roundtables

CTO Roundtable #15

Let’s talk cloud & money!

  • 17.05.2023
  • 15:00

We’re going to discuss whether (and how) you can:

  • reduce your cloud infrastructure bill
  • implement cloud optimization tactics
  • explain cloud costs to your CEO/CFO
  • make cloud your profit (not cost) center.


What’s in it for me?

When you pay-as-you-go for your cloud services, the costs naturally increase as you grow, find new clients, and require evermore computing resources. That’s the cost you want, but what about the costs you can do without?

In the next panel, our guests will discuss their own cloud cost optimization strategies. They will tell you how they pay as they go but not a penny more than they must, maximizing the potential of their cloud at each stage of the cloud lifecycle.

If you want to decrease the cloud bill and make your infrastructure more efficient in the process, you are in the right place so sign up for the latest online CTO Roundtable.

Marek Gajda

Host and CTO at The Software House

Adam Polak

VP of Engineering at The Software House

Zac Burns

Solutions Architect at AWS

Adriaan Wind

Head of DevOps & anny.co Co-Founder

Topics to be covered

  1. 01
    Is there some true to amazing cloud cost optimization stories?
  2. 02
    How is cost management in the cloud different from on-premise?
  3. 03
    What are the latest cost optimization trends? AI to the rescue?!
  4. 04
    How to control costs at each stage of the cloud lifecycle?
  5. 05
    Why is succeeding with the cloud NOT about minimizing costs?
  6. 06
    How to explain cloud infrastructure costs to non-tech stakeholders (e.g. finances)?

Who are the speakers?

Marek Gajda

Host and CTO at The Software House

He leads dozens of product development teams and trains technology managers on how to scale up their IT departments effectively. Real-life proof that IT is anything but boring. If there’s a subject everybody avoids, Marek wants to talk about it. If there’s chaos, there comes Marek with his lively problem-solving skills.

Adam Polak

VP of Engineering at The Software House

A picky enthusiast of the latest tech trends. Responsible for introducing Cloud & DevOps culture at The Software House. Always ready to help a business find its very own cloud direction. Recently, a certified AWS Solutions architect, co-founder of the Uszanowanko Programowanko meetup, and the Linkletter newsletter.

Zac Burns

Solutions Architect at AWS

Zac is a Dublin-based Solutions Architect specialized in cloud computing, the AWS infrastructure in particular. His extensive knowledge of AWS tools and trends made it possible for many companies to reach their full cloud potential. Today, as a Solutions Architect at AWS, he focuses especially on helping startups in their cloud journey.

Adriaan Wind

Head of DevOps & anny.co Co-Founder

Experienced DevOps engineer and a co-founder of anny.co – an all-in-one booking and resource management solution for almost any type of venue. As part of the DevOps team, Adriaan makes sure that the infrastructure is ready to handle thousands of bookings every day.

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